Saturday, September 27, 2008

LDS Teachings: God

When Jesus lived on earth, He taught us to pray to our Father in Heaven. (Matt. 6:9) Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (hereafter Mormons) believe that we are literally the spirit children of our Heavenly Father. (1 Cor. 8:6, A of F 1) When Mormons speak of "God," they usually refer to God the Father. He is the Supreme Creator of all things and the omnipotent Ruler of the universe. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit join God the Father in what is called the "Godhead." They too are gods and are one in purpose and unity with the Father. However, Mormons believe that these two Beings are separate from (or are not the same Being as) God the Father. God has a physical body.

God is merciful, loving, just, all-powerful, all-knowing, and is present everywhere through His spirit. Before this world existed He created a plan which would allow us to progress to become more like Him. This plan required a Savior (Jesus Christ) and our own obedience to enable us to progress. God loves us and wants us to have faith and trust in Him.

More information about God: see the entry on God in the LDS Bible Dictionary, entry on God at, entry on God in LDS Topical Guide.

Attributes of God: Mosiah 4:9, Jacob 4:9, Luke 6:36, Alma 12:33, John 3:16, 1 John 4:7-8, Alma 41:3-4, Jeremiah 32:17, Moses 1:3-6, 39, Alma 26:35, Moroni 7:22, Joseph Smith History 1:11-20.

God has a physical body and is not the same being as Christ or the Holy Ghost: Talk by Elder Holland, D&C 130:22, Matt. 3:17, Acts 7:55.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

I haven't found one other religion that believes God has a body.
The implications of such a belief enter all facets of how we view our lives. We take care of our bodies because they are sacred - like God's. We find God completely approachable because he is not 'other.' It goes on and on...